Monday, June 05, 2006

LA People, Places and Meals

Photo of the stage where I performed this weekend--Michael Kearn's Space at Fountain's End

Tonya wrote a recent comment on this blog:
All the suffering you endured trying to be straight has been rewarded with you getting to travel to great places to tell your story. And, you get to meet all these wonderful people that you talk about on your blog.
Well said and here are more photos of wonderful people, places (and meals)!

Blogger makes it nearly impossible to properly label photos, but here goes.

Bob Cook (beige shirt), my host while I stayed in Encino (with the pool and killer views) joined me for lunch at the Californian Vegan Restaurant. And moving so quickly in the Spirit that he cannot be filmed is Anthony Caruso of He Loves You Ministries.

Here are some of the lovely women I met at the first anniversary party of The Space. Great gathering (but I can't remember anyone's names except for Gina, the blond woman pictured alone who has a great upcoming show about a 113 year old woman--who looks 45.)

In the light blue, hunkering over a flesh burger (um hamburger) is Ex-Gay Watch writer (and openly gay carnivore) Daniel Gonzales. Notice my gentle platter of steamed vegetables. Joining us for the meal was Regan, who said she was having a bad hair wrap day, so I thoughtfully did not capture her image.

In the dark blue driving and sitting in Bob Cook's home we have Anthony Caruso, a man who preaches about Jesus in drag (Anthony is in drag, not Jesus)

All in all an amazing time (in spite of the unseasonably high tempatures). At last night show I felt so honored by the presence of so many bloggers, podcasters and commenters to my blog who assembled to come to my show and hang out.

And it is NOT over. I still have two more days and more people and meals to enjoy. (okay that sounds weird, but you know what I mean :-)

Ah, I wish Marvin were here!


At 4:44 PM , Blogger Jonathan said...

As I mentioned in an e-mail to you, I was extremely disappointed to spend my time in the ER instead of coming out in support of your show! Turned out to just be a sprained ankle, thankfully!

You continue to be a great inspiration!


At 5:49 PM , Blogger Contemplative Activist said...

Steamed vegetables - how very virtous.

I won't mention how your vegan halo drops when you visit the UK and gorge yourself on battered fish flesh ;)!

Looks like you are having a really fun time atm!


At 11:02 PM , Blogger Christine Bakke said...

Ha. CA tells all.

At 1:41 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

CA, what you witnessed in the UK was my commitment to respect the local culture of my hosts. I am humble that way, but I don't like to boast about it. All the glory goes to George Fox & Company.

At 6:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That flesh burger looks delicious!!! :-)

Tom D.

At 10:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

P!!! You look like you're having such fun. Thanks for posting pics. You know how I love pics. Although I'd have seen 'em sooner if you had posted them to flickr [pout]. Ha, I'm such a Flickr whore.

Anyway just stopped by to say, what a SWEET performance space there at Fountain's End. Next time, get someone to photograph you there.

At 12:33 PM , Blogger Contemplative Activist said...

Your commitment to local culture is impeccable Peterson, forgive me for doubting your virtue.

Perhaps, next time his humbleness graces these isles with his presence, we shall take him to Scotland for an authentic local haggis, which he can follow with another local delicacy for dessert.



At 4:47 PM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

CA, would that be vegan haggis?

Tina, yeah, I knew you would like the photos. I may get some of me on stage from Daniel who took a bunch. We'll see how they come out.

It is a sweet sweet space to perform in. Nice energy (except that it was so damn hot!)


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